
Brian J. Matos Podcast | Interview

Wie Sie Ihr IT-Team glücklich machen |

Eine intensive Reise durch POSSIBLE: Mein Beitrag zu Gaia-X und der Zukunft der Dateninfrastruktur

 The Future of ChatGPT | Tech in Ten

Stepping into a Full Management Role | Peritus Partners

Coming an Industry-Leading Innovator | The Leadership Lab

5 Wege, wie IT-Mitarbeiter den CTO nerven | CIO & Computerwoche

CTO Ramp up | NuTechLead Podcast

5 Anzeichen, dass dein CTO einen schlechten Job macht | CIO & Computerwoche

Brian J. Matos Podcast | Interview

Better Tech Leadership | Interview

heise online - iX Magazin | Interview

Business Punk | Interview

NXLab | Interview

Startup Olympics | EWG - Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft

Challenges of a Queer NFT Collection | UFOStart CrowdCast

The 5 challenges facing start-ups | The Building our world podcast

5 Fehler, die wachsende Startups in der Produktentwicklung vermeiden sollten | deutsche startups

Essener Wirtschaftsförderung | Startup Support

Sind die fetten Startup-Jahre vorbei? | Einschätzung der Startup Szene

2021 - COPE TO CHANGE | Review

Tech Leader | BLT Podcast

Technology Leadership | Tech Source Podcast

Be humble. Sit down. | Leadership

What’s cookin’, good lookin’? | Startups

Website Launches | Performance Art

Dani Brown
Frida Giulia Franceschini
Corey Scott-Gilbert

Creative Incubator | Pi School

AI IN ACTION | Podcast

Building culture in startups in an increasingly remote world | Third Republic

Be Water, My Friend: Spectrm CTO on Building a Culture of Resilience and Flexibility | AWS Article

How we deal with Corona | Talent Spotlight

The Mentoring Club

From Junior Developer to CTO | Facebook Developer Circle Berlin

VOLLcast | Podcast

Connect The #POTT | Hackathon

Is your startup ready for the future? | Startups